Thursday, December 30, 2010

Universal Laws

Drs. Milanovich and McCune in, The Light Shall Set You Free state there are 12 Universal Laws, and 21 sub-laws, that describe ways in which cause and effect are related. The Universal Laws can also be viewed as guidelines for behaviors that will enhance our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth.
The Universal Laws are all inter-related and are founded on the understanding that everything in the universe is energy, including us, and that energy moves in a circular fashion. At the microscopic level, we are a whirling mass of electrons and energy atoms spinning rapidly. In fact, everything in the world is comprised of energy and we are intimately connected with this sea of energy, this sea of whirling electrons.
Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are all forms of energy. What we think, feel, say, and do in each moment comes back to us to create our realities. Energy moves in a circle, so what goes around comes around. The combined thoughts, feelings, words and actions of everyone on the planet creates our collective consciousness, it creates the world we see before us.

The exciting news is, because our thoughts, feelings, words and actions create the world around us, we have the power to create a world of peace, harmony and abundance. In order to do this, it is essential that we learn to control our thoughts and emotions. Understanding the Universals Laws help us to do this.

1. The Law of Divine Oneness:

The Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe around us.

2. The Law of Vibration:

This Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.

3. The Law of Action:

The Law of Action must be applied in order for us to manifest things on earth. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support our thoughts, dreams, emotions and words.

4. The Law of Correspondence:

This Universal Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world – energy, Light, vibration, and motion – have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe. “As above, so below.

5. The Law of Cause and Effect:

This Universal Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown.�

6. The Law of Compensation:

This Universal Law is the Law of Cause and Effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings.

7. The Law of Attraction:

This Universal Law demonstrates how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn, attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.

8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy:

This Universal Law states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.

9. The Law of Relativity:

This Universal Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (Tests of Initiation) for the purpose of strengthening the Light within. We must consider each of these tests to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others’ problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. It is all relative.

10. The Law of Polarity:

This Universal Law states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.

11. The Law of Rhythm:

This Universal Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God’s universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.

12. The Law of Gender:

This Universal Law states that everything has its masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) principles, and that these are the basis for all creation. The spiritual Initiate must balance the masculine and feminine energies within herself or himself to become a Master and a true co-creator with God.

In addition to the 12 Universal Laws, Drs. Milanovich and McCune (1998) state there are 21 sub-laws of the Universe that are governed by the Higher Self. Using Milanovich and McCune’s stellar work, Dr. Bailey works with her clients to understand and apply these laws to their lives by first differentiating between the voice of the ego and that of the Higher Self, and then by practicing techniques designed to align one’s self with her or his Higher Self.

The 21 sub-laws are actually human characteristics that relate to the Universal Laws. These characteristics are: Aspiration to A Higher Power, Charity, Compassion, Courage, Dedication, Faith, Forgiveness, Generosity, Grace, Honesty, Hope, Joy, Kindness, Leadership, Noninterference, Patience, Praise, Responsibility, Self-Love, Thankfulness, and Uncond Source: iloveulove.comitional Love

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Energy is Everything

By Carrie Garber

In this journey we call life, awareness of our vibration is vital.

And more often than not, we have created a habit of moving through our days too quickly, too busy, too distracted. We can become obsessed with taking action. With a hyper focus on the "doing" part of designing our dream lives, we can overlook the "being." To make it even more intense, most of us have had plenty of conditioning to reinforce this way of operating.

As a result, we can end up being outrageously unaware of the energy we are radiating. And this phenomenon deserves our undivided attention.

Not only does this form of "sleepwalking" squelch our sense of joy and aliveness, but it seriously interferes with our natural capacity to manifest the life of our dreams. Why? I believe the following passage from the book Ask and It Is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, goes right to the heart of the matter.

"The reason you have not already gotten what you desire is because you are holding yourself in a vibrational holding pattern that does not match the vibration of your desire.

That is the only reason...ever!"

I don't know about you, but the degree of certainty conveyed in this message certainly gets my attention!

Now, shall we look at an example?

Let's say that you are taking consistent, focused action steps to grow your dream business. You have a clear plan and set bold intentions. But at the same time, you don't really believe it is possible for you to create a thriving business. You can't imagine being paid well for honoring your passions, and you are continually talking about what has not yet materialized in your vision. Furthermore, you are plagued with fear and worries and have a tendency to ponder the worst of the what-if scenarios.

Do you see the disconnect? I can't say it enough. Your energy matters.

So, if you are feeling less than clear about your energy and the factors that contribute to your vibration, I encourage you to sit with the following questions to support a deepening of your clarity. And I mean truly sit with them. Take your time. And relish the awareness that is revealed.

1. How do you FEEL? Where are you spending the majority of your time, emotionally speaking? Are you living in the lands of joy, freedom, love, appreciation, passion and trust? Or do you only experience brief visits there? How about the lands of frustration, disappointment, blame, anger or guilt? As you explore this arena, the important piece to understand is that your feelings serve as an indicator of how much you are allowing your connection to Source, or not. By paying close attention to your feelings, you can quickly see if you are in alignment and enjoying a high vibration or if you are in resistance and embodying a lower vibration.

2. What STORIES are you telling? Are they expansive or limiting? Rooted in fear or truth? What is the picture you are painting with your words? If you are not yet convinced that your story makes such a difference, please be willing to experiment. Try on different ones and see how the telling affects your energy, especially when you get into the retelling that most of us are famous for doing.

3. How would you describe your DOMINANT PERSPECTIVE? As you travel through your days, you get to decide how you will respond to the circumstances and events of your life. This marvelous freedom and power is always available to you, even when at first glance it feels impossible to find a new perspective. So, when you evaluate the essence of your dominant perspective, what do you see? For example, do you see opportunities or disasters? Are you optimistic or skeptical? This is the time to fully recognize that the choices you make have an immeasurable impact on your vibration.

4. What is your experience of EASE and FLOW? I want to keep this one extremely simple and straightforward. How relaxed and trusting are you?

5. What EXPECTATIONS and BELIEFS are you holding? Are they big or small? Indicating doubt or faith? This is about truly being a vibrational match with your desire. I am asking you to take a fiercely honest assessment of where you are with stepping into your vision as if it is already here. As Bob Proctor shared in You Were Born Rich, "Desire without expectation is nothing more than wishful thinking.

After spending some time with the above, what if you find that your vibration could use some TLC? No worries. Welcome to the club! Tending to our vibration is absolutely a daily practice.

In service of helping you enjoy a higher vibration with even more ease and consistency, I encourage you to do whatever it takes to stay intimately connected to the following TRUTHS.

~ External circumstances do not determine your emotional state and energy, you do. In each and every moment, it is a choice. We like to convince ourselves that it must be way more convoluted than that. We can fall into the disempowering practice of saying things like "When ____happens, I will be happy." Or "If ____would ____, I could relax." I lovingly challenge you to give this up, now and forever. Let it be simple. As Greg Anderson said, "Only one thing has to change for us to know happiness in our lives: Where we focus our attention."

~ Everything you want is already here energetically. And in addition to this exhilarating news, your life is also meant to be filled with joy, light, ease and flow. Not struggle. Not hardship. Not heaviness. Do you really get how thrilling this is? Personally, I love to be reminded that our primary job is to allow and receive.

~ The present moment is divinely perfect. Being eager and excited to stretch into your vision "over there" does not mean that you are meant to miss the NOW. You are right where you need to be, always. As you joyfully anticipate what is coming, appreciate your unfolding as the masterpiece that it is, knowing that each part plays a magical role in your process. From this place, you can genuinely experience the joy of the journey. And guess what? There is a sweet bonus. Once you are grounded in the joy and gratitude of where you are right now, you are then open energetically to receive the bigger vision too.

As a final thought, I would like to share the following powerful excerpt from an Abraham-Hicks workshop.

"Your action has nothing to do with your abundance. Your abundance is a response to your vibration. Of course, your belief is part of your vibration. So if you believe that action is part of what brings your abundance, then you've got to unravel that." - Abraham

Care to join me in some delightful unraveling?

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About the Author:

As a Transformation Coach, Carrie Garber works with heart-centered, aspiring entrepreneurs who are longing to create a business rooted in passion and meaningful service. They are aching to launch the business of their dreams but are stuck in fear, self-doubt and overwhelm. Carrie helps her clients to cultivate the clarity, confidence and courage they need to move forward with their vision and build a solid foundation for a thriving business and a juicy life. Visit to sign up for your FREE e-course, "A Recipe for Richness: 7 Essential Ingredients for Cultivating a Juicy Journey in Life and Business" and learn more about Carrie's transformation coaching.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Law Of Polarity

The Law Of Polarity Provides The Means To Fully Experience Life. Become Aware Of It, Express Heartfelt Gratitude For It, And You'll Discover Abundance and Happiness In The Physical World

The Law Of Polarity : Within the darkest of life's perceived trials and hardships

lies the means as well as the ability to find and experience the light. - Chuck Danes
The Law Of Polarity. What is it, why does it exist, and how can it be utilized to achieve Abundance and Happiness in your life? That is what we will cover here.

Learning to fully understand, comprehend and Master The Law Of Polarity is necessary in achieving the sense of harmony, fulfillment and well being that you consciously desire and have the potential as well as the ability to fully explore and experience in your life.

The Law Of Polarity was created and exists as a means to enable each of us to explore and experience life to the fullest. A life experience absent of the Law of Polarity would deny you the ability to fully experience your life.

As an example, if what you perceive as bad did not exist, would you know when you were having a good experience? If poverty did not exist would you know what it was like to experience wealth? If failure did not exist would you know what it was to experience success? If there existed no such thing as death we could not fully enjoy and appreciate what it means to experience life.

The Law Of Polarity contains a full spectrum of possibility ranging from the extremely light to the extremely dark and any number of points in between. By developing this understanding and learning to fully accept and surrender to whatever may show up in your life in the way of events, conditions and circumstances and learning to understand that ALL THINGS, regardless of how perceived, work together for good, you will have made incredible progress in your given ability to mold, shape, and achieve a quality of life that you consciously desire to experience.

Regardless of where you may currently find yourself within that spectrum of possibility you possess the potential as well as the ability to experience harmony and fulfillment in each and every area of your life.

The Law Of Polarity exists as a means to enable you to learn and discover that within every perceived problem lies its solution, within every perceived failure also lies to succeed.

As I convey in the Law of Attraction article , that which you place your predominant focus on will attract to you additional energies which are of a harmonious vibrational frequency with those thoughts and beliefs, resulting in what is manifest and experienced in your life. That predominant focus which you have been provided the free will to choose, quite literally acts as the seed that will produce the harvest. In order to manifest and experience the events, conditions and circumstances that you perceive as pleasing or good you only need make the choice to place your predominant focus on that which is pleasing or good.

ALL things including the events, conditions and circumstances experienced in EVERY aspect of your life are the result of consciousness . The quality of consciousness that you hold with regard to any given circumstance will determine, due to the unwavering and immutable Law Of Polarity which end of the spectrum you will experience. To change an existing circumstance to one that is more in harmony with a desired outcome it's only necessary to change the quality of consciousness which created the circumstance initially.

When you are able to fully grasp the unwavering truth of this reality and learn to accept personal resonsibility for whichever end of the spectrum of polarity that you are experiencing you will have made one major and very crucial step forward in achieving what is known as self mastery.

What is extremely important to understand regardless of where you may currently find yourself in relation to the events, conditions and circumstances that your experiencing in your life, is that within each experience regardless of how it may be perceived lies the possibility as well as the ability to experience the polar opposite.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, within that perceived hardship lies the ability to experience financial plenty simply by you making the choice to experience it. If you are currently experiencing difficult and unfulfilling relationships, within that situation lies the possibility of experiencing healthy and harmonious relationships by simply changing your mind with regard to it.

If you are experiencing illness and disease you also have within that situation the potential and possibility to experience vibrant health by making the conscious choice to do so.

Within ANY event, condition, or circumstance which you may be currently experiencing lies the opportunity as well as the probability of experiencing the opposite. The only thing that determines the likelihood of that probability or the end result, resides only in a choice. More specifically "Your Choice" as to which end of the spectrum that you will experience. The only determining factor which lies between these two seemingly opposite circumstances is what you believe to be true.

Your focus, what you give attention to produces a vibrational resonance which based on the perfectly and unfailing laws of the Universe can only attract to you energies of a harmonious frequency based on The Law Of Resonance .

In reality there is no good or bad, right or wrong etc. but only Unconditional Love that states "whatsoever ye ask ye receive." This asking is done through the resonance or vibrational energy that we project and as a result determines what it is that we will receive or attract based on that resonance.

Put another way, what you place focus on serves as the seed and just as surely as as an acorn produces an Oak tree, your focus, more specifically, your predominant thoughts can and will only produce a harvest in exact correlation to the seed planted. Any other outcome is absolutely impossible and would defy EVERY law of nature.

You do have a choice to experience whichever end of the spectrum of polarity that you choose to experience. If you are experiencing what you perceive as unpleasant circumstances you only need change what is causing those circumstances within yourself.

The Law of Polarity exists without judgment and makes no determinations as to what you will experience but rather exists so that you might know what it means to fully experience life.

Understanding this, how do you go about experiencing the opposite? How is it that you can develop the belief necessary to experience the polar opposite of that which you are currently experiencing in your life? Through education and experience. One of the first and most important steps in this process is Self Awareness . Discovering who and what you "Truly" are and dispelling any false beliefs which are contrary to the limitless power provided to you.

The fastest and least painful path is to learn the life changing power of acceptance . Acceptance of whatever you may be currently experiencing acts as the polar opposite of resistance and will attract to you more of that which you consciously desire. Resistance in essence is placing your predominant focus on that which you choose not to experience and as a result of that focus is attracting to you more of that which you are resisting. Learn to accept and express sincere and heartfelt Gratitude for whatever your current experience may consist of and you will soon discover that those things which you choose not to experience will dissipate.

Just as pain and suffering exist so too does opportunity and betterment exist within the full spectrum of the Law Of Polarity. What you experience within that spectrum is only dependent on your choice and willingness to experience another outcome.

Like all Universal Law , you cannot change the fact that The Law Of Polarity exists. It always has and always will continue to exist into infinity. You cannot manipulate, fool, or escape it. Regardless of your depth of understanding of it or ignorance to it, it will continue to exist and operate with unfailing and unwavering certainty, non-prejudice in it's perfectly executed operation.

The Law of Polarity like all Universal Law is eternal. The good news is that through discovery and correct implementation you can learn to harmonize your thoughts, beliefs and actions with it which will provide you a life of Fulfillment, Joy, Profound Inner Peace and Limitless Prosperity in each and every area of your life.

What we choose to refer to as Abundance and Happiness.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Universe of Us

NY Times Published: July 19, 2010

We think of ourselves as individuals - perhaps, in philosophical moments, as the merger of body and soul. Most of us are barely aware of the estimated 10 trillion individual cells that make up the human body or of the 100 trillion or more bacteria that live collaboratively and benignly within and upon us. Whatever else we are, we are also a complex ecosystem, a habitat.

Scientists now have discovered another realm within our habitat - the virome, a large community of viruses. These are not the viruses that make us sick. These are an integral part of the micro biotic universe that makes us healthy.

In a recent paper in Nature, a team led by Jeffrey Gordon, a microbiologist at Washington University, reports that each of us has, so to speak, a viral identity - a pattern of viral DNA that is highly stable and highly distinct, even among closely related humans. This is unlike bacterial communities, which tend to evolve over time and to be similar among family members.

This discovery is part of a rapidly growing interest in the microbiome - an effort to understand the diversity and complexity of the trillions of organisms living within each of us. The basic exploratory technique is broad-scale DNA sequencing of the genetic contents of the human gut. The result is a significantly different view of who we are.

We are not just the expression of an individual human genome. We are, as Dr. Gordon writes, "a genetic landscape," a collective of genomes of hundreds of different species all working together - in ways that leave our minds mysteriously free to focus on getting our bodies to the office and wondering what's for lunch.

Happiness is a healthy mental attitude, a grateful spirit, a clear conscience, and a heart full of love.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Realm of Impossibily

Possibilities and impossibility: They are in constant struggle throughout eternal existence. These struggles lead to the wonderful events in our lives. There are always positives and negatives which exist.
The question is which is gone to overcome the other if that is possible. The universe needs both positive forces and negative forces to co-exist with each other. The negatives make you cherish the positives and vice versa. This is what forms the many paradoxes the universe entails.

Eternally Cosmic

Everything in the cosmos is made up of the same stuff; A proton, a positive charge, a neutron, a negative charge, and finally an electron, which is electricity and binds them together. My point is we are all connected. Therefore we should enjoy the connection as much as possible. By laughing and having fun, we are not only increasing our own life, but also adding to the great experience of existence.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Charting the Unknown Possibilities of Existence

Whatever you wish, you can achieve. Without any help you are a strong soul. You can accomplish anything that your spirit truly wants.

Be thankful for all and you will get more of what you want. There are no useless actions; you have to believe this, in order to have a good and true life. You have to live authentically to your soul to get what you want out of reality. Gratitude is one of the strongest aspects we all have as well as affects us.
The unknown aspects can only affect you as you let them. When you figure out what really matters to you can do anything that you really truly, authentically, want.

So you can achieve anything if you positively desire it. All you have to do is see it in your future. When you positively, authentically dream you can have all you want. Whatever you authentically want you can have. Get rid of all negativity because it just brings you down.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Exploration of Mars

The Exploration of Mars has been an important part of the space exploration programs of the Soviet Union, the United States, Europe, and Japan. Dozens of robotic spacecraft, including orbiters, landers, and rovers, have been launched toward Mars since the 1960s. These missions were aimed at gathering data about current conditions and answering questions about the history of Mars as well as a preparation for a possible human mission to Mars. The questions raised by the scientific community are expected to not only give a better appreciation of the red planet but also yield further insight into the past, and possible future, of Earth.

Launch windows

In order to understand the history of the robotic exploration of Mars it is important to note that minimum-energy launch windows occur at intervals of approximately 2.135 years, i.e. 780 days (the planet's synodic period with respect to Earth). This is a consequence of the Hohmann transfer orbit for minimum-energy interplanetary transfer. The slight inclination and eccentricity of Mars' orbit relative to Earth's orbit means that the minimum energy launch date differs from that implied by the synodic period slightly. Launch window width is subject to vehicle constraints but are typically on the order of one month wide. The windows for recent/future years were/will be centred on the following dates:

• 18 November 1996 (MJD 50405) (MJD - modified julian day )

• 22 January 1999 (MJD 51200)

• 19 April 2001 (MJD 52018)

• 5 June 2003 (MJD 52795)

• 10 August 2005 (MJD 53592)

• 21 September 2007 (MJD 54364)

• 15 October 2009 (MJD 55119)

• 7 November 2011 (MJD 55872)

• 2 January 2014 (MJD 56659)

Minimum energy inbound (Mars to Earth) launch windows also occur at similar intervals.

In addition to these minimum-energy trajectories, which occur when the planets are aligned so that the Earth to Mars transfer trajectory goes halfway around the Sun, an alternate trajectory which has been proposed goes first inward toward Venus orbit, and then outward, resulting in a longer trajectory which goes about 360 degrees around the Sun.

Timeline of Mars exploration [ includes both manned and unmanned missions]

Launch window Mission (1960-1969) Launch Arrival at Mars Termination Objective Result

1 Marsnik 1 (Mars 1960A) 10 October 1960 10 October 1960 Flyby Launch failure

Marsnik 2 (Mars 1960B) 14 October 1960 14 October 1960 Flyby Launch failure

2 Sputnik 22 (Mars 1962A) 24 October 1962 24 October 1962 Flyby Broke up shortly after launch

Mars 1

1 November 1962 21 March 1963 Flyby Some data collected, but lost contact before reaching Mars

Sputnik 24 (Mars 1962B) 4 November 1962 19 January 1963 Lander Failed to leave Earth's orbit

3 Mariner 3

5 November 1964 5 November 1964 Flyby Failure during launch ruined trajectory. Currently in solar orbit.

Mariner 4

28 November 1964 14 July 1965 21 December 1967 Flyby Success (first successful flyby)

Zond 2

30 November 1964 May 1965 Flyby Lost contact

5 Mariner 6

25 February 1969 31 July 1969 August 1969 Flyby Success

Mariner 7

27 March 1969 5 August 1969 August 1969 Flyby Success

Mars 1969A

27 March 1969 27 March 1969 Orbiter Launch failure

Mars 1969B

2 April 1969 2 April 1969 Orbiter Launch failure

Launch window Mission (1970-1989) Launch Arrival at Mars Termination Objective Result

6 Mariner 8

8 May 1971 8 May 1971 Orbiter Launch failure

Cosmos 419 (Mars 1971C) 10 May 1971 12 May 1971 Orbiter Launch failure

Mariner 9

30 May 1971 13 November 1971 27 October 1972 Orbiter Success (first successful orbit)

Mars 2

19 May 1971 27 November 1971 22 August 1972 Orbiter Success

27 November 1971 Lander / rover Crashed on surface of Mars

Mars 3

28 May 1971 2 December 1971 22 August 1972 Orbiter Success

2 December 1971 Lander / rover Partial Success. First successful landing; landed softly, but ceased transmission within 15 seconds.

7 Mars 4

21 July 1973 10 February 1974 10 February 1974 Orbiter Did not enter orbit, but made a close flyby

Mars 5

25 July 1973 2 February 1974 21 February 1974 Orbiter Partial success. Entered orbit, and returned data, but failed within 9 days

Mars 6

5 August 1973 12 March 1974 12 March 1974 Lander Partial success. Data returned during descent, but not after landing on Mars

Mars 7

9 August 1973 9 March 1974 9 March 1974 Lander Landing probe separated prematurely; entered heliocentric orbit.

8 Viking 1

20 August 1975 20 July 1976 17 August 1980 Orbiter Success

13 November 1982 Lander Success

Viking 2

9 September 1975 3 September 1976 25 July 1978 Orbiter Success

11 April 1980 Lander Success

14 Phobos 1

7 July 1988 2 September 1988 Orbiter Contact lost while on route to Mars

lander Not deployed

Phobos 2

12 July 1988 29 January 1989 27 March 1989 Orbiter Partial success: entered orbit and returned some data. Contact lost just before deployment of landers

Landers Not deployed

Launch window Mission (1990-1999) Launch Arrival at Mars Termination Objective Result

16 Mars Observer

25 September 1992 24 August 1993 21 August 1993 Orbiter Lost contact just before arrival

18 Mars Global Surveyor

7 November 1996 11 September 1997 5 November 2006 Orbiter Success

Mars 96

16 November 1996 17 November 1996 Orbiter / landers Launch failure

Mars Pathfinder

4 December 1996 4 July 1997 27 September 1997 Lander / rover Success

19 Nozomi (Planet-B) 3 July 1998 9 December 2003 Orbiter Complications while on route; Never entered orbit

Mars Climate Orbiter

11 December 1998 23 September 1999 23 September 1999 Orbiter Crashed on surface due to metric-imperial mix-up

Mars Polar Lander

3 January 1999 3 December 1999 3 December 1999 Lander Crash landed on surface due to improper hardware testing

Deep Space 2 (DS2)

Hard landers

Launch window Mission (2000-Present) Launch Arrival at Mars Termination Objective Result

20 2001 Mars Odyssey

7 April 2001 24 October 2001 Currently operational Orbiter Success

21 Mars Express

2 June 2003 25 December 2003 Currently operational Orbiter Success

Beagle 2

6 February 2004 Lander Lost contact in December 2003 after separation from Mars Express. Fate unknown.

MER-A Spirit

10 June 2003 4 January 2004 Currently operational, stuck Rover Success

MER-B Opportunity

7 July 2003 25 January 2004 Currently operational Rover Success


2 March 2004 February 25, 2007 Currently operational Gravity assist enroute to comet 67P/Churyumov- Gerasimenko


22 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

12 August 2005 10 March 2006 Currently operational Orbiter Success

23 Phoenix

4 August 2007 25 May 2008 10 November 2008 Lander Success


27 September 2007 Feb. 17, 2009 Currently operational Gravity assist to Vesta

(Successful launch; successful to date)

Launch window Future missions Launch schedule Estimated arrival at Mars — Objective Notes

25 Phobos-Grunt


Orbiter, lander, sample return Will attempt to bring samples of Phobos’ soil back to Earth in 2014 (or 2012).


Orbiter Will travel with the Russian Phobos-Grunt mission

MSL Curiosity

15 September 2011 2012 Rover Powered by radioisotopes, it will perform chemical and physical analysis on martian soil and atmosphere.


2011-2019 Multi-lander network Simultaneous meteorological measurements at multiple locations.

25 Northern Light

2012 Lander / rover Solar powered, it will perform chemical and physical analysis on Martian soil and atmosphere.


2013 Orbiter Part of the Mars Scout Program

Mars mission

Between 2013-2015[19]

Orbiter The ISRO has begun the conceptual phase for an orbiter mission to Mars.

: ARES (martian rocketplane)

Possibly by 2016 aircraft search for life on Mars, water, atmospherics, magnetics

Astrobiology Field Laboratory

Possibly by 2016 Rover Focused on the search for life on Mars, past or present. Being considered but not yet funded or scheduled.

27 and : ExoMars

2016 Orbiter, static lander TGM orbiter will deliver the ExoMars static lander.

28 and : ExoMars

2018 Two rovers ExoMars rover and MAX-C rover.

and : Mars sample return mission

Possibly by 2020 Orbiter, lander, rover, sample return Being considered but not yet funded or scheduled.

Mars rover set surface longevity record !!

Congrats to the science and engineering teams for the Mars Exploration Rover program! Today, (Thursday May 20) the Opportunity rover marked an historic milestone: it has now passed the duration record set by set by NASA's Viking 1 Lander of six years and 116 days operating on the surface of Mars. The celebration was tempered just a bit because Oppy may be the longest lasting mission on Mars, or it may be second to its twin, Spirit. Spirit has not communicated with Earth since March 22, succumbing to the cold and decreased power from its solar panels. If Spirit awakens from hibernation and resumes communication, then she will attain the Martian surface longevity record.

The rover teams are encouraged now about resuming communications with Spirit, as the winter solstice has now passed, on May 12 here on Earth. "Passing the solstice means we're over the hump for the cold, dark, winter season," said Mars Exploration Project Manager John Callas.

Unless dust interferes, which is unlikely in the coming months, the solar panels on both rovers should gradually generate more electricity. Operators hope that Spirit will recharge its batteries enough to awaken from hibernation, start communicating and resume science tasks.

Opportunity' s view of the far-off rim of Endeavour Crater. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ Cornell University

Opportunity is doing well and still driving towards Endeavour crater, but making shorter drives since there is less power available from the solar panels. But that should continue to improve.

For the next few weeks, some of Opportunity' s drives have been planned to end at an energy-favorable tilt on the northern face of small Martian plain surface ripples. The positioning sacrifices some distance to regain energy sooner for the next drive. Opportunity' s cameras can see a portion of the rim of Endeavour on the horizon, approximately eight miles away, across the plain's ripples of windblown sand.

"The ripples look like waves on the ocean, like we're out in the middle of the ocean with land on the horizon, our destination, " said Steve Squyres principal investigator for the two rovers. "Even though we know we might never get there, Endeavour is the goal that drives our exploration. "

Opportunity' s tracks show how the rover avoided driving through potentially dangerous sand dunes. Credit: NASA/JPL/U of AZ

Viking was a flagship mission that launched in 1975. It consisted of two orbiters, each carrying a stationary lander. Viking Lander 1 was the first successful mission to the surface of Mars, touching down on July 20, 1976. It operated until Nov. 13, 1982, more than two years longer than its twin lander or either of the Viking orbiters. The record for longest working lifetime by a spacecraft at Mars belongs to a later orbiter: NASA's Mars Global Surveyor operated for more than 9 years after arriving in 1997. NASA's Mars Odyssey, in orbit since in 2001, has been working at Mars longer than any other current mission and is on track to take the Mars longevity record late this year.

Exo Planet

An extrasolar planet, or exoplanet, is a planet outside the Solar system.
Discovery of Extrasolar planets :
[source : Wikipedia]

Title Planet Star Year Notes
First extrasolar planet discovered. PSR B1257+12 B
PSR B1257+12 C
PSR B1257+12
1992 First pulsar planets, first super-earths.
• The planet around Gamma Cephei was already suspected in 1988.
• HD 114762 b was discovered in 1989, but was not confirmed as a planet before 1996.
First discovery by a method
First planet discovered via pulsar timing.
PSR B1257+12 B
PSR B1257+12 C
PSR B1257+12
1992 First extrasolar planets discovered, first super-earths.
First planet discovered via radial velocity.
51 Pegasi b
51 Pegasi
First planet discovered via transit.
OGLE-TR-56 b
2002 • The first extrasolar planet discovered to be transiting was HD 209458 b, which had already been discovered by the radial velocity method.
First planet discovered via gravitational lensing.
OGLE-2003-BLG- 235L b
OGLE-2003-BLG- 235L/MOA- 2003-BLG- 53L
First directly imaged extrasolar planet. (infrared) 2M1207 b
2004 May be a sub-brown dwarf instead of a planet, depending on formation mechanism and definitions chosen. If it is a planet, it is the first known planet around a brown dwarf.
First imaged extrasolar planet orbiting a 'normal' star. (infrared) 1RXS J160929.1-210524
2008 First extrasolar planet orbiting a Sun-like star[2]

First extrasolar planet directly imaged by visible light Fomalhaut b
2008 First planet orbiting an ABO star.
First discovery by system type
First extrasolar planet discovered in a solitary star system. PSR B1257+12 B
PSR B1257+12 C
PSR B1257+12
1992 First extrasolar planets discovered
• HD 114762 b was discovered in 1989, but was not confirmed as a planet before 1996.
First "free-floating" planet discovered. S Ori J053810.1-023626
(S Ori 70) 2004 Has a mass of 3 MJupiter, needs confirmation.
• Free-floating objects are not usually considered planets.
First planet discovered in a multiple star system. 55 Cancri b
55 Cancri
1996 55 Cnc has distant red dwarf companion.
• The planet around Gamma Cephei was already suspected in 1988.
• Gamma Cephei Ab is the first relatively close binary with a planet.
First planet discovered in a circumbinary orbit. PSR B1620-26 b
PSR B1620-26
1993 Orbits a pulsar and a white dwarf.
First multiple planet extrasolar system discovered. PSR B1257+12 A
PSR B1257+12 B
PSR B1257+12 C
PSR B1257+12
1992 A pulsar planetary system.

First planet discovered in globular cluster. PSR B1620-26 b
PSR B1620-26
1993 Located in Messier 4

First discovery by star type
First pulsar planet discovered. PSR B1257+12 B
PSR B1257+12 C
PSR B1257+12
First known extrasolar planet orbiting a main sequence star. (Sun-like) 51 Pegasi b
51 Pegasi
1995 First hot jupiter.
First known planet orbiting an ABO star. (blue-white star) Fomalhaut b
2008 First extrasolar planet discovered by visible light image.
First known planet orbiting a red dwarf.
Gliese 876 b
Gliese 876
First known planet orbiting a giant star.
Iota Draconis b
Iota Draconis
2002 • Aldebaran b was announced in 1997, but has not been confirmed.
First known planet orbiting a white dwarf.
PSR B1620-26 b
PSR B1620-26
1993 • GD 66 b was announced in 2007, but has not been confirmed
First known planet orbiting a brown dwarf.
2M1207 b
2004 May in fact be a sub-brown dwarf instead of a planet, depending on formation mechanism and definitions chosen. First directly imaged planet.
First "free-floating" planet discovered. S Ori J053810.1-023626
(S Ori 70) 2004 Has mass of 3 MJupiter, needs confirmation.
• Free-floating objects are not usually considered planets.
Firsts by planet type
First hot jupiter.
51 Pegasi b
51 Pegasi
1995 First planet discovered orbiting a main sequence star.
First extrasolar terrestrial planet orbiting a main sequence star. Mu Arae c
Mu Arae
2004 Terrestrial nature of this planet is not confirmed, as no radius measurements are available so the density is unknown. The minimum mass is comparable to that of Uranus in our own solar system, which is not a terrestrial planet. The first extrasolar planet known to have a density compatible with being a rocky planet is CoRoT-7b.
First super-earth orbiting a main sequence star. Gliese 876 d
Gliese 876
2005 Orbits a red dwarf star.
First icy extrasolar planet orbiting a main sequence star. OGLE-2005-BLG- 390Lb
OGLE-2005-BLG- 390L
2006 Orbits a red dwarf star. The icy nature of this planet is not confirmed, as no radius measurements are available so the density is unknown. The first extrasolar planet known to have a density compatible with being an icy planet is GJ 1214 b, though even for this case there are other possibilities for the composition.
First ocean planet candidate. Gliese 581 d
Gliese 581
2007 Orbits a red dwarf star. This planet orbits a little too far from the star, but the greenhouse effect would be enough to make this planet habitable. The other ocean planet candidate GJ 1214 b was detected by transit in which the density was calculated and determined that this planet is an ocean planet.
Other firsts
First extrasolar transiting planet.
HD 209458 b
HD 209458
1999 • OGLE-TR-56 b is the first planet found by transit method.
First multi-planet extrasolar system directly imaged. HR 8799 b
HR 8799 c
HR 8799 d
HR 8799
First planet discovered with a retrograde orbit.
2009 The planet HAT-P-7b was discovered before WASP-17b, however its retrograde nature
was announced after that of WASP-17b