One of the biggest syndromes or diseases we have throughout the world is gluttony. One reason for this is the food is too easy to get, that we take advantage. This however I believe is only here in this nation.
I am sitting her in the food court and someone is handing out samples of food, and people are taking it from her as they would be expected to. However I just realized that our population of individuals do not need free handouts of food, and they are eating themselves to death, really. Most of them have desk jobs and hardly work out as much as required by their bodies.
Now if they worked off the food that they in took you’d have a different issue, but the fact is most of them do not. Since it is easier to sit and relax, then exercise, we choose to relax and do nothing, since our society is one of the more lazy societies of the world. Besides that in our free time we don’t utilize it with exercise, we rather take advantage of our free time by watching television or not doing physical stuff at all.
Desk jobs are not bad. Just if all you do is work at a desk and then sit in the car and sit watching TV, besides your butt getting tired, you will have a lack of blood flow in your body and you will not be living your life, so it will decide to leave you. In prevention of this, everything should be done in moderation, meaning a variety of activities should encompass your time.